Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Blog Notebook: Organizing my Bloggy Stuff~

Do you blog?  If so, is blogging a casual past time?  a serious hobby?  your job?  

For me, blogging is serious business.  It started out as a casual hobby...but then the obsession set in.  You know about that, don't you?   Oh, I think you do.  When you are sitting at the park watching your kiddos play and blog posts are floating on the periphery of your thoughts.  When you are walking through a store, and project ideas keep popping into your head...and you are composing blog posts in your mind to go with each.  Oh yes.  It's true.  It wasn't long before I was head over heels in love with blogging.

And before I go on, I have to say, that although I love my computer...and use it for soooo many things, I also love paper.  Yep, good old fashioned paper.  I'm a list maker.  An idea jotter-downer (yes, that is a technical term.)  I have notebooks...lots of them...where I keep track of just about everything.  And the notebook thing worked well for blogging -  for a while.  Until I started to not be able to find the idea or list or what-have-you that I needed, when I needed it.  So I knew I had to come up with a better plan.   And it still  had to be on paper.  (Couldn't give that part up.)

So I came up with the Blog Binder.  Okay, so some of you are probably way ahead of me on this one.  "Welcome to the club, Wendy!"  you're thinking.  "Slow, much, Wendy?" you're saying to yourself.  Well, maybe.  But now I have this great binder to keep my blog in order, so I wanted to share it with you...

First up,  I wanted to make it fun and happy so I chose a pink one. Why not use a happy color?  Then I had to think up the categories that would work best for me...

Here's what I came up with...

1. A Blog Calendar.  Once I started blogging in a serious way, I found it essential to plan out my  posts in advance.  So, I needed to use a calendar.  I used to  list them in my planner (yes, I use a planner...paper-using list-maker, remember?) but I wanted a place just dedicated to blogging, so a calendar in my binder worked well.  In the calendar I list not only posts, but linky-parties I'm going to participate in, when I need to remove ads from my blog, when I need to send invoices, etc.  In short, anything and everything solely devoted to the blog.

Here are some links to some great FREE blog calendar printables.  This one from Living Locurto (which I used in my binder) and this one from Evelyn Kate Designs are weekly.  A weekly calendar works well for me because I have lots of stuff I need to keep track of.  This one from Blogging BookShelf is monthly.  If you just want to track posts, something like this would work well.

2. Brainstorming.  Let's face it. Coming up with fresh subject matter isn't always easy.  Brainstorming for your blog is important.  So I have a section just dedicated to that.  When a random idea comes to me, I start a page for it.  Then when I have some time (ha ha), I brainstorm the topic to come up with ideas.  I also keep lists of projects I'd like to do that could be blogworthy, or single post ideas that don't need to be fleshed out, so that I can refer to them when I'm not feeling very creative.

3. To Do's.  I have a section in my binder for to-do's.  This is where I can keep notes on any projects that I am working on that I will want to blog, so that I can have all of my "stuff" in one place.  I like to list sources, ideas, fabric swatches, paint colors, you name it. 

4. Business.  Now, I must preface this by saying that my blog is my job.  So I have a lot of stuff on the business end of blogging that I need to track, including the dates for ads to go up and come down (that I can then transfer to my calendar), information for product reviews or posts of that nature, and other miscellaneous stuff.  Having all of the nitty-gritty in one place sure is helpful.

5. Inspiration.  This is one of my favorite parts of my binder.  In this section, I put magazine tear-sheets or photos or other things that inspire me that I might want to incorporate into the blog.  Some I choose just for the color, or a word, or the feeling.  Inspiration can come from just about anything.  But organizing inspiration (at least for me) is important. 

6. Finally, I have a folder (pink again!) where I can keep loose odds and ends that I need on these paint chip cards. 

So there you have blog brain in hard copy.  A portable version that doesn't require wi-fi.  The Blog Notebook.  Hope it gave you a little inspiration... 

Have a great day~

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