Monday, May 31, 2010

{Pink Pink Pink}

Idag åkte en ROSA limo förbi mej på gatan..O My God!

Hur cool som helst..
Jag började genast att tänka på "bling bling"
väskan från Marchesa prydd med
Swarowski kristaller

kanske något för bruden?
från La petite

Snygga örhängen från Erickson

Rosa skor ett måste :)
från Tory Burch

{Pressrelease; Dofta som en Ängsblomma..}

Jag har haft förmånen att prova Nya Via Naturals AloeVera,
som har en mild och lugnande doft.
Låt mej Citera Via Naturals ord:
-"de får dina kläder att dofta lika ljuvligt
och kännas lika mjuka mot huden som blommor."
Jag håller fullständigt med :) Via Naturals och Comfort Naturals har
samma tvättkraft och mjukgörande förmåga som tidigare.
men visste du att Comfort Naturals sköljmedel:


...gör att färgerna bevaras längre.

...hjälper kläderna att andas.

...innehåller enbart biologiskt nedbrytbara tensider..

.. parfymingredienser är valda med omsorg

..är ett koncentrerat sköljmedel och minskar förpackninsgsmängden med 66%

..är som balsam för tygets fibrer

..har en väldigt liten påvekan på miljön,

Finns även i doften Olivblomma

Bilder och press från

Bindefeld AB

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day~

Happy Memorial Day!

On the agenda for today:

Lazy morning in our jammies

A little work in the garden

Afternoon at the pool with the kiddos

I just love me a holiday!!

Have a great day~

{Glamorous HAPPY Mothers Day}

Happy Mothers Day
Lovely Image from Emma Tempest,
Picture from
"Absolutely Unique"

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Frugal Friday~

Welcome to this week's edition of Frugal Friday!

I hope you'll all forgive me, but with all the end of the school year hoopla that's been going on around here, I don't have a Frugal Friday project to share with you today. I'm hoping that you've all been more productive than I have!

Hey, but take a minute and check out my fun interview right now over at Modern Bird Studios! And I might as well come clean because Megan told on me anyway...yes, I am thirty-something years old...and yes, I am a closet Twilight Fan. But, I know I'm not the only no snickering.

You know"da rules"...

1. Please link directly to your Frugal Friday post, and not just to your blog.

2. Please link back to The Shabby Nest so that others can share in the Frugal goodness.

3. COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT! Please show our participants the love!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

this i love: garden themes - lattice and trellis

I just can't help myself...I am completely infatuated with all of the trellis and lattice patterns in home decor lately.

So today I'm just going to share some eye candy with you all... enjoy!

Trellis fabric from Warm Biscuit

Lattice fabric from Warm Biscuit

Imperial Trellis by Kelly Wearstler via Design Around Denver

Handmade Trellis Fabric Pelmet by Kirsten Krason of 6th Street Design School

Both images above via Pepper Design Blog

Lattice print wallpaper from Echo Home

What trends in home decor are you loving right now?

Don't forget Frugal Friday goes up tonight at 12:01 AM EST for all you night owls!

Have a great day~

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

linky love

It's Linky Love time!!!

Frugal Fridays are growing! And I'm loving the chance to see so many great Frugal decor ideas!!

Because I have a few spots in my home that are in sore need of some wall decor, today I wanted to link to just a few of the wall art projects that were shared at last week's Frugal Friday...

First up, Flamingo Toes shared a fabulous photo canvas wall art project. Hello? I didn't even know you could buy printable canvas...ahem...I see some serious projects in my future!

Next, Sprik Space shared a FREE printable ABC poster. This would be perfect in a nursery, child's room or playroom...and in so many colors! Darling!

Sallygoodin shared a fun "Hokey Pokey" sign...I'm all about a little whimsy in decorating (or outright humor if needs be.)

And finally, ever wondered what to do with all that kid art that accumulates? Holly's Haven shared a fun idea to create personalized art for your kids.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg folks! If you haven't had a chance to check out all the goodness that was last week's Frugal Friday, click here. You'll be glad you did!

Have a great day~


Glöm bowlinghallar belägna i slitna källarvåningar.
Marions Gastro Diner
erbjuder en UNIK Helhetsupplevelse för alla sinnen,
Sveriges första gastronomiska diner
inbjuder till bowling och nöje på Kungsgatan 37
i Stockholm
med inbjudan från Bindefeld AB
gick jag med nyfikna steg mot adressen

I anrika lokaler som tidigare inrymde biograf Astoria,
kan Marions besökare avnjuta en välsmakande coktail
i en stilren miljö följd av middag och bowling.
Här finns något för alla oavsett om det rör sej om ett affärsmöte,
en familjedag,afterwork eller en romantisk middag.PRESSBILD BINDEFELDAB
Marion Ladewig
-the Queen of Bowling
Marion betraktas som bowlingen stålmormor och
den främsta kvinnliga bowlaren någonsin,
Marion var privat en mkt charmerande kvinna,
känd för sin vassa tunga som-"never trust a burger
cooked and served by a clown".

Identitetskonsulten Erik Nilsson Johansen
från Stylt Trampoli AB
berättar om Marion om Hur hon blev
ledstjärna i projektet
Dom fann Inspiration av hennes karaktär,
som Proffisionell bowlare & husmor

Marions kökförkläde finns på plats,

Specialdesignade tapeter med
symboler för bowling och matlagning,

smyckar hela trapphuset till matsalen plan 2

Alla detaljer är noggrant utvalda och
genomtänkta in i minsta detalj, Med intresse för inredning

så är besöket på Marions Gastro Diner en ren fröjd f ögat


Maten är en ren Njutning ,presenterades dagen till ära av

kökchef Konstantinos "Costas" Papadopolus

..MUMS :)

Vad sägs om
Deer Rack Cranberry,Lobster Cranberry
eller Buffalo Wings och Babyback ribs

Inredningen går i 50tals anda, man sitter mycket bekvämt i
härliga sköna U-svängda soffor och fåtöljer som finns i matsalen.
FastighetsBolaget Balder AB som ligger bakom satsningen har verkligen


vice vd Sharam Rahi berättar att dom har varit noga med att
förvalta den mötepunkt dessa historiska lokaler är kända för.
det som är kulturskyddat har bevarats.


Monday, May 24, 2010

let the sun shine in

This was the view from our back deck yesterday in the early afternoon. Yes, that is snow. And yes, the last time I checked, the calendar said that it is the end of May. When I woke up yesterday morning to heavy, wet snow falling outside, I must admit, it weighed me down a little. Where is spring in these parts?

But then I looked at my kitchen table, and my mood lightened considerably.


One word...


Every couple of weeks, I grab myself a bunch of the $5 flowers at my local Wally world. Since their selection varies from week to week, I just grab whatever catches my eye.

This week it is this pretty bunch of yellow sunshine...indoor sunshine. They remind me of a Van Gogh painting.

Studies have proven that fresh flowers in the home can actually alleviate depression. And I figure $5 every couple of weeks is a worthy investment in my mental health.

and so is a little Ghirardelli chocolate. ;-)

Have a fabulous day (go buy yourself some flowers)~

{Patricia McLean}

Great bedding in a bedroom with blues There is SO many great interiodesigners in our beautiful world.
Here I share some inspiring pictures from
Well,,I would Not mind sitting here,with a
nice cup of tea..

all images from designer Patricia McLean

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Tween Room - Part 3

A couple of Frugal Fridays ago, I shared an art project for Mr. One's Tween room, and told you all it was being printed. Well, I got it in the mail on Friday (from my fabulous Father-In-Law - the art professor extraordinaire who printed it for me!) It looks even better in person.

Now, because it is a custom size, and my budget for the tween room is gone, I couldn't have it custom framed. So, I went and bought one of those standard sized cheapy poster frames. I was worried that it might once I got the print mounted on foam core and framed up, it actually looks great!

I put it above the dresser/bedside table. Which now begs a question of you, my dear readers. I need to redo this dresser and I want your expert opinions...should I just give it a fresh coat of white paint...paint it with chalkboard paint...or give it a coat of dove gray? What say you? Please weigh-in in the comments and let me know what you think.

I also gave the lamp a little pick-me-up by switching out it's gold shade for a simple white one. It looks more modern, and lighter. So I think it will be staying for now.

Well, that's it for today's Tween room update! Don't forget to let me know what you think I should do with that dresser! (pretty please.)

Have a great day~

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Frugal Friday~

It's that time again!! Time for this week's edition of Frugal Friday at the Shabby Nest! Woot woot!

Today, I have another little "art on the cheap" project to share with you.

Some of you may remember the art I created for our main bathroom a couple of months ago. I just framed up some pretty fabric.

I still think the fabric is pretty, but I just wasn't feelin' it. I wanted something that was more "me".


I'd been tossing around the idea of creating some canvases for a while, and had originally considered painting some with a chevron motif, but then I decided that something a little more organic would be better.

So here is what I came up with...

I started by creating a template (which I don't have a photo of). It consisted of the center shape that you see between the thick lines. Then I just traced it onto the canvas (over and over again) putting enough space between each one to create the lines that I then painted.

Here's a view of one of the paintings in-progress.

And here again, is the final project! Loving them!! And the clincher was that I just used some leftover latex paint from my rehabbed console. Perfect!


Now it's your turn...

You know "da rules"!

1. Link directly to your post, not just to your blog.
2. Please link back to the Shabby Nest so others can enjoy the Frugal Goodness.
3. Comment, comment, comment. Show our participants "the love!"

Uma Thurman

Säljer sitt hus i New York den totala ytan är 470 kvm fördelat på 5 våningar

Till huset tillhör en trädgård och eldstad

Insidan är bevarad med gammal stil
med burspråk och stuckaturet

det finns sex öppna spisar


{Spring 2010 "Ralphie}

Denna Rosa kreation..
ser rätt fin
jag skulle varken ha hatten el kavajen som
en komination, även fast det ser coolt ut.
..även denna lilla blå
vore Nice :D
fann dessa fina bilder på blogg
