Thursday, September 30, 2010

Frugal Friday~

Today I wanted to share with you my frugal fall tablescape.

I have this small buffet in my dining area. It is the perfect size to fit in what might otherwise be an awkward spot. I love the buffet...but I just couldn't get it accessorized the way I wanted. I thought that perhaps if I painted it a different color it might fix the problem. And that was my plan until I came up with a new arrangement for fall...



Yeah, there's still a lot of black, but there is more height, more texture, more color. Let me break it down for you.

(Sorry for the blurry photo...I was taking these in low light...) The first thing I knew I had to do was replace the lamp. I liked the "skeleton" shade on the old lamp, but the hubby? not so much. Plus, I felt like the lamp was the key to bringing in color. So after searching for a while, I found this gold beauty at TJ Maxx for a steal! It was rather short, however, so I made it a little taller by placing it on a book. I didn't like the cover of the book AND I wanted to bring in more white, so I just turned it around to face the pages out. Mr. Two thinks the lamp is especially fitting for fall, because, as he pointed out, "it looks like a pumpkin."
I repeated the gold color on the other side of the tablescape with a plate I already had that just happens to be the exact color of the pumpkin it serendipity.

I wanted to add a piece of art, but I just didn't have the right I framed a piece of my favorite black damask fabric. The perfect touch.

Finally, I added the terrarium that my mother gifted me with a sweet stone bird's nest underneath. Love the rusty patina. So fall-ish.
Aside from the lamp (which as I mentioned was a total steal) I didn't purchase a single new thing for my fall tablescape! And, I like it enough that I've talked myself out of painting the least for now.
Now it's your turn...
You know "da rules"
1. Please link directly to your post not just to your blog.
2. Please link back to the Shabby Nest so that others can enjoy the frugal goodness.
3. Please comment on the links you visit so that our partipants can feel the love!
Finally, I reserve the right to remove links that are not appropriate to the Frugal Friday links to posts about your business, your giveaway, or other posts unrelated to frugal projects or frugal finds.
Have fun!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Design Gallery | Restoration Hardware

Just FAB livingsroom pictures enjoy So cozy and lovely furniture and design
Restoration hardware is One of my favorite stores.
Enyoy waching my friends

Frugal Roundup~

Hey kids! Welcome to this week's edition of the Frugal Round-up!

Over 270 people linked up to last week's Frugal Friday...that's a lot of great inspiration!!

Here are a few of my favorites...

Perhaps it's because I am in the process of working on my home office, or perhaps it's just because this home office is fab.u.lous...but I *had* to share Red Door Home's lovely post with you! mmmmmmm.

I love me a silhouette...and I love me all things French. So make sure and check out La T Da's Eiffel Tower silhouette art. So clever!

Next up, House to Your Home shared a pretty and fresh dresser makeover. Love the stripes!

Finally, be sure to check out the Anthro-inspired art project at A Crummy Marriage Blog. Lovin' it!

If you haven't visited last week's Frugal Friday post yet, make sure you scroll down...RIGHT NOW! You won't want to miss all the frugal goodness!

I'm off to work on my million and one projects. Hope you all have a great day~

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Because I have about a million and one in-progress projects going on right now...and none that are blog-ready, I thought I'd have a little fun by telling you all about today...

Outside my window: Moonlight. Finally got all those restless kiddos settled, and am just now sitting down at the computer for the FIRST time today. Sigh.

I am thinking: About an upcoming visit from my in-laws. (This would account for the million and one projects I've got on my plate.)

I am thankful for: The generosity my little family is receiving from those around us. People giving of their time and yes, even their money to help us out in this time of crisis. I really can't say enough how thankful I am for the way people have rallied around us. It amazes and humbles me.

I am wearing: My favorite jammie bottoms...fabulous pink and orange damask and a long sleeve pink tee.

I am creating: A fun photo project for my home office wall, pillows, and curtains (among other things.)

I am going: Crazy. Ha! No, but I am a *wee* bit stressed out lately. ;-)

I am reading: Stacks and stacks of home decor magazines. No books right now...waiting for some upcoming releases of "next-in-the-series" novels that aren't due out until November or so.

I am hearing: The Berenstain Bears theme song from the TV because Mr. Three caught a late nap and isn't tired enough for bed yet. Grrrr.

Around the house: I am working hard on getting my home office in order. So many projects!

One of my favorite things: Pedicures...and my feet are in dire need of one!

A few plans for the rest of the week: Dental appointments, Immunization appointments, Refinishing a small buffet, and about a thousand other things!

Whew!! What a list.

Have a great day~

Monday, September 27, 2010

Of Princesses and Daydreams~

Just had to escape the reality of reality. Know what I mean?

So today I'm daydreaming about being a princess. Yeah, the kind of daydreaming little girls do. Dreaming of pretty dresses, castles, and being waited on hand and foot (ESPECIALLY being waited on hand and foot.) Just not kissing any frogs. ;-)

Here are a few princess-y images so you can daydream with me.

Love this "Princess and the Pea" photo.

Lots of lovely vintage gowns...

So lovely.

I was completely smitten with this Alice in Wonderland party.

And especially with this cardboard rocking chair and castle. I really think I need a cardboard rocking chair throne. No seriously, I do.

And of course, my own castle. (even if it is imaginary.) Rocker and castle found here.

So what do you say? Will you all join me in a little daydreaming today?

Have a great day~

Sunday, September 26, 2010

This week's ideabook on Houzz: Using Dishes in your Decor~

This week at, I'm talking about incorporating dishes into home decor...

Every day as we prepare our meals we pull out dishes of various shapes and sizes. We use them to cook. We eat off of them. We take them for granted. But dishes can be works of art! And when displayed correctly, they can offer unexpected beauty to our spaces.

There are many different ways to incorporate dishes into decor. Some are more traditional. Some are completely unexpected. But all of them can add a unique "flavor" to your space. Follow these tips to use dishes effectively in your decor. Bon Appetit!

Bridge Design Studio eclectic living room
Display dishes in the traditional a hutch. This is a great opportunity to showcase a collection of similar pieces.

China Room  entry
Open dish storage creates a sculptural, artistic display in a kitchen or dining area.

my home office traditional home office
Don't be afraid to use dishes in children's spaces. These pretty plates add romance to a little girl's room.

To see more ideas on how to incorporate dishes into your home decor, you can read the entire article here.

Have a great day~

Friday, September 24, 2010

Dekoration eller vansinne?

Vad sägs om en häst i vardagsrummet?
Javisst, fast i mindre storlek

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Frugal Friday~

Welcome to this week's edition of Frugal Friday!!

This is a photo of my sofa in its summer finery. A pretty white slipcover. I love a white slipcover. And I would probably leave the white slipcover on all year long...except for one thing. The hubby is spending his convalescence in the living room. It was the most convenient room for him in his not-able-to-get-around-without-a-walker state.

Normally, the kids don't spend a lot of time in the living room. But with Dad in there (not to mention a TV that is not normally there) they have been spending a lot of time there. So the white slipcover was really taking a beating. Don't get me wrong, it washes up really well, and with bleach it looks as good as new. But with everything else on my plate right now, washing a slipcover once a week, is not on my agenda.

So I dressed my sofa in a nice, warm autumn-y tan slipcover. And I threw on this pretty sweater pillow to add some additional coziness.

So, you may wonder why I am sharing this for Frugal Friday. Well, let's just say that switching slipcovers is the cheapest way I've found to get a "new" sofa. And, that pillow? Only about $15 at IKEA and it looks a lot like the PB version that sells for 3 times as much. ;-)

Sofa and slipcover........EKTORP from IKEA

Now it's your turn.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Frugal Round-up (the two-week-in-one version)~

Howdy everybody!! How are you all this fine day? I'm in a good mood today because my daddy's surgery was a success. Can I hear a "woot woot"?

In any case, you may remember that I didn't do a Frugal Round-up post last week because my heavy eyelids were waging a war on me... and they won. So this week I am sharing a double version of frugal goodness.

And oh. my. word. was there ever a lot to choose from!! The last two Frugal Fridays have been the biggest to date with tons of great links to check out.

Here are a few of my favorites from two weeks ago...

First up, Sarah at A Beach Cottage shared her chalkboard refrigerator. Love this. A perfect solution to a ratty old refrigerator.

Then Ms. Bingle at Ms. Bingle's Vintage Christmas shared a darling headboard turned table. Such a clever idea!

Finally, Julie at Less than Perfect Life of Bliss shared her "wall of doors". I was drawn to this project because I "made" the hubby take a series of front doors in Old Deerfield when we lived in Massachusetts. I feel a project coming on. ;-)

And here are a few favorites from last week...

Laurel at Ducks in a Row shared her fabulous slipcover. And when I say fabulous, I mean fabulous. I would swear this was NOT a first time slipcover...maybe she's pulling our legs. lol!

Dennise at Little Green Table shared her aqua buffet redo. You all know I'm a sucker for aqua furniture.

Kat at Everybody Loves Raymond...and Kat shared her easy-peasey, cutie-patootie paper pumpkins. I heart this idea entirely.

Megan at Honey We're Home shared her fresh and pretty mudroom makeover.

And finally, Courtney at A Thoughtul Place shared her super-pretty little girl's "pinkalicious" bedroom. (Okay, I admit, I'm a pink girl...oh yes I am.) Loved it.

If you haven't had a chance to check out these two Frugal Friday parties, scroll on down and take a gander. You'll be glad you did!

And don't forget tomorrow's Frugal Friday party goes live at 8:00 pm MST tonight. Get your frugal posts ready and come join the fun. But on a serious note, I've noticed some people linking up random posts, completely unrelated to Frugal DIYs and Frugal Finds. Please play fair and do not link up just any old post...or posts to your shops, giveaways or other unrelated items. I have been quite tolerant so far, but I will start removing those sorts of posts this week. Sorry to have to play the bad guy. I just want Frugal Fridays to be what they are supposed to be. A place where we can share our Frugal Projects and Frugal Finds...not a place to further special interests. Thanks for understanding...


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Sincere Thank You (and a winner)~

I wanted to take a minute to thank you all, my dear readers. As most of you know, three weeks ago my husband John was in a serious car accident. He fell asleep at the wheel and hit a metal light post head on. I was told that he is lucky to be alive. And after seeing the car, I believe it. As it is, he basically shattered his right leg, and broke 8 of his ribs. One of these days, when this is all far removed in the past, I may share a photo of the car with you all, you won't believe it. But for now, it is too fresh in my mind.

The next day, my father fell from a ladder, broke his hip, and crushed one of the vertebrae in his back. I thought that first week, with both of my men in the hospital, was one of the hardest I've ever experienced. And it was, in its way.

But then things got harder. John is home now. I'm glad to have him home, but he is still in a lot of pain. He can't really do much for himself. He can't put any weight on his leg for another 6 weeks, and then it will take weeks after that before he can walk normally or drive again. I'm drained. My laundry is WAY behind, my yard is full of weeds. You get the idea. And tomorrow, my father has to have surgery for the second time because his back isn't healing. It's just a lot to deal with.

But in the midst of all of this, I have gained immeasurable strength from friends and neighbors who have brought in meals and watched my children. And I have gained emotional strength from you. Yes, my dear readers, your comments, your emails have buoyed me up. They have given me hope. I have felt your love and your prayers. I have gained strength from the knowledge that good people, most of whom I have never met, are pulling for me. And so I want to say THANK YOU! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

One example of some of the lovely experiences I've had comes from my bloggy friend Beki of The Rusted Chain. Beki asked if she could send me a necklace with a word or phrase on it that is meaningful to me. I immediately thought of my favorite quote by Emily Dickenson... Dwell in Possibility. This quote reminds me to believe that tomorrow is a new day and that each new day is full of promise. I have this quote written on the chalkboard in my kitchen so that I can see it and be reminded of it daily.

And now, thanks to Beki, I can wear it around my neck. Isn't it lovely?

It's the perfect reminder to keep my chin up and believe!! Thanks so much Beki!

And thank you again, my dear readers, for understanding and bearing with me. I know that my blog has suffered a bit during this time. I am thankful for your understanding. I know that as life settles into a routine, I'll be back to my old blogging self in no time. I hope you'll all be patient with me.

And finally, I want to announce the winner of the Glitter and Bliss giveaway...Annastacia! Congratulations Annastacia! Drop me an email and we'll get you all set up with your darling prize!

Have a great day~

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Long-awaited, Much-anticipated, 5-year-old Pirate Party Extravaganza~

Mr. Two turned 5 last week! His birthday was on Thursday. Mr. One and the Princess often go to the local Farmer's Market with our next door neighbors on Thursday afternoon, and this week, seeing as it was their little bro's birthday, they came home with a special present for him...this uber-fabulous balloon birthday hat, and a mini-pumpkin. I thought it was so sweet of them to spend their meager funds on their little brother, that I just had to include this photo. (He was pretty excited as you can tell. )
Mr. Two has been asking for a Pirate Party ever since his Dinosaur Party ended last year. So I knew that I *HAD* to throw one for him despite the craziness that has been our life of late.

If you've been reading my blog for any length of time at all you probably know how much I love cupcakes. A birthday just isn't a birthday at our house without cupcakes! And check out these darling cupcake toppers! They were generously donated to me by Nina from Momma Go Round! She knew I had been dealing with a lot lately, and wanted to make my life a little easier. Boy did it ever!! She even personalized them with Mr. Two's photo and used the same font as I used on the invitations! You can get your own personalized cupcake toppers and invites at her etsy store!

To tie in with the paper hat theme from the invitations, I hung paper hats from our balcony. (Just a note...I am super embarassed by the state of the is in desperate need of a paint job...but we DO live in a rental, so it's not entirely my fault. )

This cute nautical bunting was borrowed from my sister-in-law who used it for her son's wedding dinner last year. I thought it would be the perfect addition to the festivities!

Before our little buccaneers could begin the festivities, they had to be *decked* out appropriately! I found these cute pirate costumes at the dollar store!

Once they were all in proper pirate garb, they headed out on a treasure hunt (you can see that the hats didn't really stay on...the swords on the other hand....) Mr. One and the Princess were their guides on their search for pirate loot!

The table outside held the cupcakes along with goodie boxes.

I created the goodie boxes with my Silhouette digital cutter and embellished them with more of the cupcake toppers!

I made the Jolly Roger flag out of a piece of poster board...and cut out the skull and crossbones with my Silhouette....couldn't have been any easier!
The party went off without a hitch. And the boys all loved it! That night as I was working at the computer, Mr. Two tip toed up and gave me a hug...and said with a perfect smile "Mom, Thanks for my Pirate Party!"
It simply does not get any better than that.