Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fabric Flowers~

This week I got my craft on. I was looking through some of my old Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion magazines (yes, I saved them all...) when I was inspired by a photo of a little girls bedroom with fabric flowers and books on the wall. And even though I've scoured the internet, I can't find the image - boo! (Feb-March 2007 if anyone has it.)

In any case, I thought it would be fun to do something similar in the Princess' bedroom.

First things first, I needed some fabric flowers. And I wanted them to coordinate with her room. Luckily I have some scraps of fabric left from making her bed pillows.

But then I had to figure out how I was going to make the flowers. Luckily, Silhouette sent me some of their fabric interfacing to try...so I pulled it out and followed the directions on the package. Then I just used my Silhouette machine to cut flowers right out of the fabric. Yep! You heard me right, the interfacing makes it possible to cut fabric with your Silhouette! Can I hear a "Woot Woot!"?

Since this was a hit or miss attempt (as is usually the case with my "crafting") I didn't photograph the process, but it was amazingly simple. After I cut out three flowers in varying sizes, I just gave them a little depth by pinching the back to define each petal.

Now here's where I prove I'm not a crafter. I couldn't figure out the best way to keep the pinches in place - sew them? glue them? - so I stapled them. Yes, with a stapler. Ha! But you know, it worked great and it gave each flower the 3D effect I was going for.

Then I just hot glued them together with the largest on the bottom and the smallest on the top.

They turned out darling! Of course, once I got them finished I realized I don't have the sort of books I wanted to use just hanging around the house (vintagey, small)..so now I'm on the lookout for some. But, once I got the flowers done I thought they were so cute, all kinds of other ideas started flitting through my head...curtain tie backs, pillow embellishments, stuck right to the wall. You get the idea.

So I'm posting these cute flowers and asking YOUR opinion...what would you do with them?

If you want to make some of your own, you're in luck!
This week (March 21-27) Silhouette is offering...

Silhouette SD, two rolls of fabric interfacing (clean cut and sewable) and one roll of flocked heat transfer material all for just $229.

If you already have a machine they're offering %25 off the interfacing!

Just use the code "SHABBY" at checkout.

Have a great day~

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