Wednesday, June 8, 2011

old lady cartoon clip art

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  • Animated+old+lady+pictures

  • tammigaw
    02-15 12:16 AM
    i have signed non compete , but when i signed it , he explained me that i should not go to the client through some other vendor , but i can join end client as end client has contract with Prime vendor that they can hire me full time .

    But now he is claiming that i cant join full time with the client as well.

    During my stay with that employer , he newer paid me on time and once he held my paycheck , just to harass me.

    Do you think that these grounds fall under employee undue stress to be sufficient to turn down Non Compete in court ?

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  • walters cartoon clip art

  • kaisersose
    12-07 12:19 PM
    Thanks for replying KaiserSoze...nice name btw, hope you are not a figment of imagination like the one in the movie ;-)

    I don't intend to be intrusive, but are you currently on EAD? Or do you plan to move to it?

    I have also read at multiple places that the receipt date is the date from which we start counting 180 days for AC21. I believe that this date still holds true when one's case is transferred from say NSC to TSC. Does anyone know this for sure?

    As luck would have it, my contract with my client ends on the 183rd day of my receipt date! Hence this and the original question

    I have my EAD for a rainy day.

    In some cases where transfers from one center to another affected the RD, the concept is gray. if you are a risk taker you can try to swing it, but I do not recommend it. Check the RD on your 485 receipt. If it is 180 days from that date you are fine.

    The only problem that can come by moving earlier is your employer may revoke your 140. There is no reason for them to do it, except out of spite (earlier they had the advantage of reusing the labor for someone else). If your relations with your employer will be smooth even after you move on, then that risk is alleviated.

    Also remember that your 140 should be approved before you invoke AC21 to avoid potential problems from that area.

    old lady cartoon clip art. Sad old lady standing woman;
  • Sad old lady standing woman;

  • rsdang
    08-15 03:54 PM
    Couldn't resist opening a new thread and sharing this with fellow IVians.

    We got our green cards today. It is actually green (in the back).

    Another announcement is that I recently relocated to northern Mississippi. Would like to join up with other state chapter members. I am willing to coordinate with the group in Memphis TN.

    Thanks IV. I and my spouse benefited a lot from the July 2007VB and the work IV did concerning it. So, I will do more than just stick around but continue to be active as usual. The system is still broken and we will have to work to fix it.

    And thank you for staying to help the rest...

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  • cartoon-styled clip art

  • veni001
    03-31 12:40 PM
    What happens if your previous employer cancel the approved I140 before the new company files the for I140. I think you need at least 7-8 months to get Labor approved. I am pretty sure by that time, the old employer will cancel the approved I140. I am taking about big Consulting companies here where you can not negotiate to keep the I140 open after you resign.

    Thanks in advance

    If the old employer withdraw his petition (that's what most employers do to be on safe side, in this economy) before new employer's i-140 approval then you can not port old priority date.


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  • wellbibleforums clip art

  • Euclid
    02-11 02:11 PM

    My OPT was approved and I received the approval notice. But the card itself
    has been lost in mail. I have applied for a replacement card.

    I am aware of something called the "I-9 receipt rule" wherein the receipt for
    the replacement of a lost document can be used in place of the document itself
    for a period of 90 days.

    Does this apply to my case? In other words, can I use the receipt of the replacement
    request to work for upto 90 days?

    Thanks in advance!

    PS: I am aware that I cannot start working based on the approval notice itself.

    old lady cartoon clip art. cartoon clip art people,
  • cartoon clip art people,

  • go_guy123
    09-10 03:36 PM
    If person is working for same company after MS then he/she cannot use experience for GC for same company. One of my friend got GC who was working for same company since he graduated and got GC under EB2. He had 4 years of exp after MS when he applied but could not show

    Its not a major issue since MS itself is viewed as 5 years of experience. The question is whether the company and DOL is willing to accept business necessity clause for Masters/5 years experience. By default most occupation fall into Job Zone 4 (EB3) unless shown business necessity and proved during an Audit.

    Doctors, Lawyers etc fall into Job Zone 5 (EB2)


    old lady cartoon clip art. Old Lady clip art
  • Old Lady clip art

  • gc_freedom
    02-21 02:28 AM
    admesystems you can apply for AP but you can not use it because you were out of status for 1 year you will not be allowed to enter US for next 10 years!

    So it's of no use to you.


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  • cartoon eyes clip art free.

  • dixie
    11-06 01:33 AM
    No, those are just examples. Essentially, an H1-B working for any not-for-profit organization is exempt from the cap. Universities, goverment agencies, university medical hospitals are well-known examples that fit this description. Private sector organizations will not qualify in most cases. The key question you have to ask yourself to determine if you are eligible for an exemption is "Does this organization operate with the motive of profit ?". Of course, as always you will need to consult an attorney for a definite answer if you are not sure.

    So then only these four categories count as "Non Cap H1Bs"?

    Can anyone shed more light on any other categories that qualify as non cap?



    old lady cartoon clip art. cartoon styled clip art
  • cartoon styled clip art

  • enthu999
    03-27 01:40 AM
    Just an idea, if emails or letters doesn't reach Obama...may be IV should consider an open letter to Obama,Congress and Senate by buying space in major news papers
    and suggesting the obvious economic benefits(buying homes, home renovations, buying durable goods etc) of speeding legal immigration.

    old lady cartoon clip art. cartoon clip art people,
  • cartoon clip art people,

  • VisaVisa
    09-08 11:08 PM
    Me and my wife are on pending I-485 AOS. Mine is employment based (EB3) and my wife's is derivative.

    I-140 is approved.

    I work here on EAD. My wife had to travel to India urgently. She applied for Advance Parole, but had to leave before she received the Advance Parole.

    Now she wants to return back, but as she has not yet received Advance Parole, will she need to apply for Visa?
    Or is it better to wait for Advance pArole decision?
    If Visa, under what category?



    old lady cartoon clip art. Old Lady clip art
  • Old Lady clip art

  • mnq1979
    06-26 10:12 PM
    I am thinking to get the AFFEDEVITS of my wife from her FATHER and MOTHER stating the inforation of my her BIRTH.

    My wife was born in XYZ city but now her parents reside in ABC city. My question is will it be OK if her parents get the AFFEDEVIT from ABC city stating that she was born on XXX in XYZ city or does the AFFEDEVIT has to be made from XYZ city only.

    I just thought of this and wasnt sure if its ok or not. Can any one please clarrify?

    Thanks in advance. !!!!

    old lady cartoon clip art. Face Expression Old Woman clip
  • Face Expression Old Woman clip

  • eb3retro
    04-11 09:05 PM
    always efiled, never went for finger printing..follow my previous posts for more updates.


    old lady cartoon clip art. Old Woman Playing Music clip
  • Old Woman Playing Music clip

  • cox
    June 18th, 2005, 02:47 PM
    Did you see my comment on this shot in the gallery, because I said the same exact thing "ask and you shall receive". Anyway, like I said there, great shot, Anders would be proud. ;)
    Great minds and all that ;) Yeah, Anders & Omar keep me working to improve my wildlife and landscapes. You, Bob, Rob, Gary and others too numerous to list here remind me thru pictures that I should shoot other things occasionally too. And Queen Josephine has finally shamed me into buying Photoshop CS2 (with the intent of learning how to use it). 'Course, now I only have to figure out how to open this box...:D

    old lady cartoon clip art. Face Expression Old Woman clip
  • Face Expression Old Woman clip

  • satyasaich
    05-01 02:05 PM
    Yes. Please see
    the web site

    Does - Emergency Appoinment include - people already
    working in US ? are you sure ?


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  • woman feb man was clip art

  • kondur_007
    09-21 10:45 AM

    I am in a situation and hope someone here would be able to provide me with some advice. I was employed by Company A since 2006 and I was working at a Client location for the last 3 years. There is company B who is the primary vendor for the Client. Recently my H1 extension was denied and so I went out of status. I reached out to my end client for help. Since they are happy with my work, they said that they can talk to another vendor (company C) to sponsor a new H1 for me. Company C is now ready to file my H1 but the problem is that Company A somehow got to know about this and is enforcing a non compete agreement on me.

    I wanted to know if they can do this even though the H1 was denied and they are unable to provide me with any job. Can they stop me from earning my livelihood. I did not go out and breached any contract, I am trying to move only because my H1 with company A has been denied. The only thing is that the end client is the same.


    I agree with all of the above advises and add one more thing:

    Noncompete clauses are there in many job contracts (they have nothing to do with immigration; just employment contract has those); however, they are legally not enforcable in majority of the states.

    In general, the best way is to google it for your state and see if it carrys any value at all (eg in California, they are completely useless and never enforceable).
    Good Luck.

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  • Picturesold lady cartoons, old

  • wandmaker
    10-26 10:54 AM
    I am also one of those, who received the EAD while the online case status reads as "Case Received and Pending"


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  • Nursing home clipart

  • vinnysuru
    03-28 04:10 PM
    Hi Guys, I am planning to go to Ottawa for stamping. Do you know the email address, I can send this request to? Thanks

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  • animated clip art thank you

  • RLNY122004
    06-15 03:56 PM
    Our I485 approved today and officer told us we will receive our cards in 6 to 8 weeks. Thanks

    old lady cartoon clip art. Cartoon Clipart #5910 by
  • Cartoon Clipart #5910 by

  • Canadianindian
    07-08 10:02 PM
    This video has either been removed or has a malformed URL

    Check again

    12-01 12:55 PM

    I want to know what are the chances of getting I-140 approve if we file a new petition and current I-140 appeal process is pending with USCIS. My I-140 was denied on education basis. In denial notice USCIS wrote that we did not prove that my 3+3 (Diploma + Engg degree from India) degree is not equivalent to B.S in Computer science from Labor certification.

    Guys please share your experience with me since its important for me to get I-140 approve for future growth.


    To answer your original question, my I-140 under EB3 was denied on the basis that my 3-year Bachelor in Computer Science was not equivalent to a 4-year BCS degree. I appealed to the AAO and attached an evaluation from Sheila Danzig.

    While the AAO was pending, I started the process from scratch by filing a new PERM and my second I-140 was approved. So I guess it is possible to file a new I-140 while the original one is under appeal.

    03-30 12:18 PM
    Dear Attorney,
    Thanks alot for taking your valuable time suggesting us on this issue.
    I appreciate your help.

    This information is very much helpful.

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